Winetricks: простая установка библиотек и софта в Wine

Winetricks облегчает установку различных библиотек, кодеков, шрифтов, софта и т.п в Wine. Скрипт сам скачает нужные файлы и установит все что нужно.

Скачиваем скрипт в консоли и запускаем:
chmod 777 winetricks

Например, очень просто установить MDAC:

Скрипт можем запускать, указав пакеты для установки:
art2kmin      MS Access 2000 runtime.  Requires Access 2000 Dev license!
 atmlib        Adobe Type Manager. Needed for Adobe CS4
 cmake         CMake, the cross-platform, open-source build system
 colorprofile  Standard RGB color profile
 comctl32      MS common controls 5.80
 comctl32.ocx  MS comctl32.ocx and mscomctl.ocx, comctl32 wrappers for VB6
 controlpad    MS ActiveX Control Pad
 corefonts     MS Arial, Courier, Times fonts
 cygwin        Unix apps for Windows (needed by some build scripts)
 d3dx9         MS d3dx9_??.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
 dcom98        MS DCOM (ole32, oleaut32); requires Win98 license!
 dinput8       MS dinput8.dll (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
 dirac0.8      the obsolete Dirac 0.8 directshow filter
 directplay    MS DirectPlay (from DirectX 9 user redistributable)
 directx9      MS DirectX 9 user redistributable (not recommended! use d3dx9 instead)
 divx          divx video codec
 dotnet11      MS .NET 1.1 (requires Windows license)
 dotnet20      MS .NET 2.0 (requires Windows license)
 dotnet30      MS .NET 3.0 (requires Windows license, does not work yet)
 droid         Droid fonts (on LCD, looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)
 ffdshow       ffdshow video codecs
 flash         Adobe Flash Player ActiveX and firefox plugins
 fm20          MS Forms 2.0 Object Library
 fontfix       Fix bad fonts which cause crash in some apps (e.g. .net).
 fontsmooth-disable    Disables font smoothing
 fontsmooth-gray       Enables grayscale font smoothing
 fontsmooth-rgb        Enables subpixel smoothing for RGB LCDs
 fontsmooth-bgr        Enables subpixel smoothing for BGR LCDs
 gdiplus       MS gdiplus.dll (from powerpoint viewer)
 gecko         The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla)
 gecko-dbg     The HTML rendering Engine (Mozilla), with debugging symbols
 glsl-disable  Disable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D
 glsl-enable   Enable GLSL use by Wine Direct3D (default)
 hosts         Adds empty C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\{hosts,services} files
 icodecs       Intel Codecs (Indeo)
 jet40         MS Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8
 liberation    Red Hat Liberation fonts (Sans, Serif, Mono)
 mdac25        MS MDAC 2.5: Microsoft ODBC drivers, etc.
 mdac27        MS MDAC 2.7
 mdac28        MS MDAC 2.8
 mfc40         MS mfc40 (Microsoft Foundation Classes from Visual C++ 4)
 mfc42         MS mfc42 (same as vcrun6 below)
 mingw         Minimalist GNU for Windows, including GCC for Windows!
 mingw-gdb     GDB for MinGW
 mono20        mono-2.0.1
 mono22        mono-2.2
 mono24        mono-2.4
 mozillabuild  Mozilla build environment
 msi2          MS Installer 2.0
 mshflxgd      MS Hierarchical Flex Grid Control
 msls31        MS Line Services 3.1 (needed by native riched?)
 msmask        MS Masked Edit Control
 msscript      MS Script Control
 msxml3        MS XML version 3
 msxml4        MS XML version 4
 msxml6        MS XML version 6
 ogg           ogg filters/codecs: flac, theora, speex, vorbis, schroedinger
 ole2          MS 16 bit OLE
 openwatcom    Open Watcom C/C++ compiler (can compile win16 code!)
 pdh           MS pdh.dll (Performance Data Helper)
 physx         NVIDIA/AGEIA PhysX runtime
 psdk2003      MS Platform SDK 2003
 psdkvista     MS Vista SDK (does not install yet)
 psdkwin7      MS Windows 7 SDK (installing just headers and c++ compiler works)
 python26      Python 2.6.2 (and pywin32)
 quicktime72   Apple Quicktime 7.2
 riched20      MS riched20 and riched32
 riched30      MS riched30
 shockwave     Adobe Shockwave Player
 tahoma        MS Tahoma font (not part of corefonts)
 urlmon        MS urlmon.dll
 vb2run        MS Visual Basic 2 runtime
 vb3run        MS Visual Basic 3 runtime
 vb4run        MS Visual Basic 4 runtime
 vb5run        MS Visual Basic 5 runtime
 vb6run        MS Visual Basic 6 runtime
 vc2005sp1     MS Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1 (install trial 1st)
 vc2005trial   MS Visual C++ 2005 Trial
 vc2005express MS Visual C++ 2005 Express
 vc2005expresssp1 MS Visual C++ 2005 Express SP1 (does not work yet)
 vcrun6        MS Visual C++ 6 sp4 libraries (mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt)
 vcrun2003     MS Visual C++ 2003 libraries (mfc71,msvcp71,msvcr71)
 vcrun2005     MS Visual C++ 2005 sp1 libraries (mfc80,msvcp80,msvcr80)
 vcrun2008     MS Visual C++ 2008 libraries (mfc90,msvcp90,msvcr90)
 vjrun20       MS Visual J# 2.0 SE libraries (requires dotnet20)
 wininet       MS wininet.dll (requires Windows license)
 wme9          MS Windows Media Encoder 9 (requires Windows license)
 wmp9          MS Windows Media Player 9 (requires Windows license)
 wmp10         MS Windows Media Player 10 (requires Windows license)
 wenquanyi     WenQuanYi CJK font (on LCD looks better with fontsmooth-rgb)
 wsh56         MS Windows Scripting Host 5.6
 wsh56js       MS Windows scripting 5.6, jscript only, no cscript
 wsh56vb       MS Windows scripting 5.6, vbscript only, no cscript
 xact          MS XACT Engine (x3daudio?_?.dll, xactengine?_?.dll)
 xvid          xvid video codec
 autohotkey    Autohotkey (open source gui scripting language)
 firefox       Firefox
 ie6           Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0
 kde           KDE for Windows installer
 mpc           Media Player Classic
 vlc           VLC media player
 allfonts      All listed fonts (corefonts, tahoma, liberation)
 allcodecs     All listed codecs (xvid, ffdshow, icodecs)
 fakeie6       Set registry to claim IE6sp1 is installed
 native_mdac   Override odbc32 and odbccp32
 native_oleaut32 Override oleaut32
 nocrashdialog Disable the graphical crash dialog
 sandbox       Sandbox the wineprefix - remove links to ~
 nt40          Set windows version to nt40
 win98         Set windows version to Windows 98
 win2k         Set windows version to Windows 2000
 winxp         Set windows version to Windows XP
 vista         Set windows version to Windows Vista
 winver=       Set windows version to default (winxp)
 volnum        Rename drive_c to harddiskvolume0 (needed by some installers)
  • +2
  • 01 декабря 2009, 18:56
  • Sergei_T

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Заметил в списке MS Visual C++ 2005 Express
это супер гут


  • 01 декабря 2009, 19:59

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