Bug: CloudStack - не работает cloud-setup-management

При запуске:


Видим вот такой баг:

Welcome to the CloudStack Management setup

The hostname of this machine is properly set up
Executing the following reconfiguration script:
ins spec after /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]
set /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]/user cloud
set /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]/host_group/host ALL
set /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]/host_group/command ALL
set /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]/host_group/command/tag NOPASSWD
Saving failed
error: No match for path expression

sudoers reconfiguration failed
CloudStack Management Server setup aborted

С помощью visudo правим файл sudoers:


Удаляем строчку:

Defaults   !visiblepw

Теперь все будет работать:


Welcome to the CloudStack Management setup

The hostname of this machine is properly set up
Stopping the CloudStack Management Server
Executing the following reconfiguration script:
ins spec after /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]
set /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]/user cloud
set /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]/host_group/host ALL
set /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]/host_group/command ALL
set /files/etc/sudoers/spec[last()]/host_group/command/tag NOPASSWD
sudoers reconfiguration complete
No need to set up iptables as the service is unconfigured or not set to start up at boot

CloudStack Management Server setup completed successfully
Starting the CloudStack Management Server
Starting cloud-management: [ OK ]