Голосанем за Slax?
Камрады, мне пришло письмо от Томаса М (Tomas Matejicek), создателя системы Slax. Он просит проголосовать за этот проект в рамках национального чешского конкурса. Айда поможем хорошему человеку и его замечательному дистрибутиву! Доброе дело займет буквально пару минут. Нужно зайти на сайт CZECH OPEN SOURCE 2010 и забить
в поле Software — Slax,
в поле Projekt — www.slax.org,
в поле Osobnost — Tomas Matejicek
в поле Vase emailova adresa — мыло какое-нить свое какое не жалко.
Ну и, конечно же, нужно ввести капчу и надавить кнопку Odeslat («Отослать» то бишь
Полный исходный текст письма см. под катом.

> Hello Michael,
> This is Tomas M, the author of Slax.
> I would like to kindly ask you for two minutes
> of your time, which are of a significant
> importance for me
> As you maybe know, Slax is a project with origins
> in Czech Republic. Once per year, there is a public
> contest in Czech called 'Czech Open Source of the year'.
> Slax won the first place already in 2006 and 2008.
> Today I would like to ask you to nominate Slax
> as the best Czech project of the year 2010.
> If you like Slax, please do it!
> When enough nominations is submited, we'll get
> the chance to vote for Slax during April and May.
> How to nominate Slax?
> First, visit www.root.cz/akce/cos/nominace/
> The webpage is in Czech language, but don't worry,
> I will guide you through
> You'll see several empty fields with categories
> for nomination:
> Software = Software :-)
> Projekt = Project
> Akce = Event
> Osobnost = Celebrity
> Blog = Blog
> Firma = Company
> Vase emailova adresa = Your email address
> So there please type 'Slax' to the Software field
> and 'www.slax.org' to the Projekt fields,
> you may leave other fielrs blank.
> You can perhaps note my name (Tomas Matejicek)
> in the Osobnost field, if you think
> I'm a celebrity ;-)
> At the end, fill in your email address,
> I'm afraid that it won't work without email.
> Finally retype the captcha to verify that you're
> a breathing human being and click 'Odeslat' (Submit).
> That's it.
> Lets hope there are enough Slax fans out there
> If Slax is choosen as the best project of 2010,
> then I will receive a nice diploma! :-D
> Thank you very much!
> Tomas M
> slax.org
в поле Software — Slax,
в поле Projekt — www.slax.org,
в поле Osobnost — Tomas Matejicek
в поле Vase emailova adresa — мыло какое-нить свое какое не жалко.
Ну и, конечно же, нужно ввести капчу и надавить кнопку Odeslat («Отослать» то бишь

Полный исходный текст письма см. под катом.

> Hello Michael,
> This is Tomas M, the author of Slax.
> I would like to kindly ask you for two minutes
> of your time, which are of a significant
> importance for me

> As you maybe know, Slax is a project with origins
> in Czech Republic. Once per year, there is a public
> contest in Czech called 'Czech Open Source of the year'.
> Slax won the first place already in 2006 and 2008.
> Today I would like to ask you to nominate Slax
> as the best Czech project of the year 2010.
> If you like Slax, please do it!

> When enough nominations is submited, we'll get
> the chance to vote for Slax during April and May.
> How to nominate Slax?
> First, visit www.root.cz/akce/cos/nominace/
> The webpage is in Czech language, but don't worry,
> I will guide you through

> You'll see several empty fields with categories
> for nomination:
> Software = Software :-)
> Projekt = Project
> Akce = Event
> Osobnost = Celebrity
> Blog = Blog
> Firma = Company
> Vase emailova adresa = Your email address
> So there please type 'Slax' to the Software field
> and 'www.slax.org' to the Projekt fields,
> you may leave other fielrs blank.
> You can perhaps note my name (Tomas Matejicek)
> in the Osobnost field, if you think
> I'm a celebrity ;-)
> At the end, fill in your email address,
> I'm afraid that it won't work without email.
> Finally retype the captcha to verify that you're
> a breathing human being and click 'Odeslat' (Submit).
> That's it.
> Lets hope there are enough Slax fans out there

> If Slax is choosen as the best project of 2010,
> then I will receive a nice diploma! :-D
> Thank you very much!
> Tomas M
> slax.org
Комментарии (12)
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